A gallery of some nice pictures that showed up in my math
This picture shows the set of Anosov
representations from a triangle reflection group into the Lie group
SL(3,R). The character variety (or more precisely one of its
components) is homeomorphic to the twice punctured Riemann sphere.
The two punctures 0 and infinity are at the top and bottom of the
bright vertical lines in the middle. The central black region is an
approximation of the set of Anosov representations, obtained by
checking all words up to length 23 for equal eigenvalue moduli. The
black vertical line between the two punctures is the (real) Hitchin
component. This is joint work with David Dumas.This picture is like the above, but
shows a different component of the (5,5,5) triangle group. Here the
central horizontal line corresponds to real representations, and we
know exactly which representations on this line are Anosov: this is
the result of my paper with Gye-Seon Lee and Jaejeong Lee. The
situation becomes much more complicated in the complex numbers, and
the set of Anosov representations seems to have a fractal boundary.
The picture is again joint work with David Dumas.This picture shows a phenomenon I am
investigating together with Jeff Danciger. It shows the 2d character
variety of a triangle rotation group into the group SL(3,R). For
each representation, the color codes which element of the group
maximizes the “Jordan slope”, that is the quotient of the logarithms
of the highest and lowest eigenvalue. It seems like only a special
selection of group elements appears, and we think we understand
which ones.This is the same as the previous
picture, but “zoomed in”, by looking at more elements of the group
(and only looking at the upper left quadrant). Our guess still holds