Together with my friends, mainly Viktor Kleen, I wrote some lecture notes while studying math in Munich. Some
are in English, others in German. There are likely a bunch of
mistakes in them.
There are some Videos on YouTube in which I talk about math:
- “Der
Zauberwürfel entzaubert” was a talk about Rubik’s cube for the
general public that I gave with Anna Schilling and Nicolaus Treib
(in German)
- “Wie
Mathematiker Billiard spielen” about dynamical billiards, also
together with Anna Schilling and Nicolaus Treib (in German)
- Anosov triangle reflection groups in SL(3,R) part 1 and part 2 was a
pre-recorded talk I gave at the “Nearly Carbon Neutral Geometry and
Topology Conference (NCNGT)” in 2021.